How I Made $41,746.35 Outside of Amazon in 2016

By Christopher Grant

December 27, 2016

How I made $41,746

This post is going to be outside the niche that I normally write in.  But, I think that it can be beneficial to you.  So, let’s go.

I would like to tell you a story about how I made at least (this figure does not include any affiliate commissions) $41,746.35 outside of the Amazon platform in 2016 without giving up my Amazon business.  As a matter of fact, my Amazon business was larger than in 2015.

I decided early in 2016 that I wanted to diversify my income.  I have always enjoyed writing and I have always had an interest in marketing as I have been in sales my entire life.

I sought out a mentor and found Nate McCallister of FBA Today and  Nate made a request in another facebook group asking for some blurring software to use while making screen share videos.  I took it as a dare and figured out how to make it a reality.

That was my first foray into software products,  It was called EasyBlur and is now defunct.

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Shortly after that I enrolled in 30 Day Blog Builders.  I was able to learn copywriting, content creation, affiliate marketing, and a lot more.  It was one of the best courses I have taken and really put the spurs in my side to launch my Clear The Shelf Facebook group and

Since then I have been able to grow my blog to just over 9,000 page views in the last month.  I was hoping to hit 10,000 before the end of the year but I am extremely happy with where I have come so far.

I have built an email list of over 2,000 readers and buyers of my products and software.  I have taught a six-week online arbitrage course.  Lastly, I have built and sold three Amazon related Chrome Extensions without knowing how to code anything more than a simple HTML sidebar ad.  Those extensions are revROI, The BrickSeek AddOn, and StockUp.

Below I am going to share how you can do this, on the side, as well.


Simple Software and Chrome Extensions

These are really fun things to build, in my opinion.  If you can isolate a simple problem that requires a simple solution you might just have a winner.

For example:  revROI was created because people know about using cashback and discount gift cards to increase their ROI on arbitrage items.  The problem was that people were not using them because they forgot, there was too many clicks, and so on.

Now revROI allows you to find the best cashback and discount gift cards with just a click of a button.

Simple, helpful, and provides a much larger value in the long run to the user than the cost.

Webinars and Courses

You may often hear people say you can get that information for free on the internet.  Yes, that is true.  I create a fair amount of free content via my blog and Youtube channel.

There is a problem with free though.  People often will not value it the same as knowledge that is shared at a price.  I’m certainly not saying we should gouge people for information but it’s just how we humans are, it seems.

The other great thing about paid webinars and courses (and the reason I am usually happy to pay for them) is that I often leave with some action steps.  I also feel more inclined to put the ideas and knowledge I have learned into action.

Bloggingblogging SMB

I have saved, what I believe to be, the best for last.  I thoroughly enjoy writing.  I also believe it is the backbone of selling anything on the interwebs.  Without a good story, clear writing, and something to draw a reader in why in the world would they give you any of their hard earned money?

Now, you need to be able to back up your flowery prose with a quality product whether it is a physical good or a digital good.

Blogging also allows you to help people in a way I’m not sure any other medium can.  It is easy to refer back to.  It is always available. Plus, if you add some videos or graphics it can be an extremely compelling and useful tool to share information.

I will be honest, it is also pretty cool to see people actually taking the time to read what you have written.  It       certainly boosts the ego a bit.

How You Can Do It Too

I’m no rocket surgeon and in the looks department I am about a 5 maybe a 6 if my wife dresses me.  This didn’t stop me though.

All you need to do is be willing to learn methods that have worked for other people.  Take action.  Be willing to fail forward (ask me about that and I will be happy to share some of my failures).

You can be rewarded if you do the work.  I do a lot of it over my smart phone laying in bed at night (that is when my developer is awake).  I do not take time away from my son or my wife.  I still work on my Amazon business, and most importantly I have made friends and associates that I think will last for a long time.

So, here is what you should do if this interests you.  Click on the link below (you aren’t committing to buying anything) and fill out the application stating that you are interested in learning some ways to diversify your income.

I’ll be there as I know I have lots to learn still and hopefully I can share some wins as well.

Hope to see you there.

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